Friday, 17 January 2014

Final Film

Final Film

Tom Peacock, Dan Wright


Here is the final of our film. It has also been placed in the completed folder.

1 comment:

  1. Well done - this is successful in that you have several MoAs, you observe the 180 degree rule for most of the sequence, however you do break it at 11 seconds. You apply the S / RS technique to the dialogue sequence. Framing by and large is succeessful.

    To improve

    180 degree rule. You could have overcome this by making the initial shot of Harry entering the room and going to the table as a CCTV shot by using a filter. This would then overcome the continuity error as the audience know that that camera is static and observing. Rather than reshooting, do this now - it has to be done and you need to acknowledge the mistake and how overcome on a new blog post.

    White Balance - you need to learn how to set this on your camera. The blue/grey nature of your footage is all due to the W/B not having being set properly

    Watch framing - on the one occasion, at 14 seconds where you have both tom and harry in the frame, 50% of the frame is not being used - you need to have moved camera closer and filled frame more with Harry.

    Sound editing is problematic - I can hear Dan at the beginning of every take. "whenever". Give your self more of a run in time in future and create more waste between director instruction and dialogue beginning.

    At 44 second "Ah, you know it was at the docks then" - you frame this so as not to be able to see harry's face, but this is essentail as Tom has been caught lying - I would expect the camera to go the CU/BCU at this point to show the pleasure on harry's face! Generally, in your S/RS sequence, try to vary shot distances - your sequence is a bit static.

    At 1.07 - maybe revert back to it being a CTV camera by using filters.

    Overall well done - this is a good foundation upon which to build.
